Terms & Conditions


FIT Corporate Booking Cancellation Policy

  1. Cancellation of confirmed room bookings must be advised, in writing, before 6 pm local time 48 (Forty Eight) hours prior to check in date. Beyond this window, one night’s room rate plus taxes is applicable as cancellation charge.
  2. If a confirmed room booking is cancelled on the day of arrival or in case of No Show, entire stay’s room rate plus taxes is applicable as cancellation / retention charge.

Event Booking Cancellation Policy

  1. One night retention shall be charged in case of cancellation after signing the contract. A Cancellation Fee of 50% of the total charges will be liable at your end if cancellation is made within 7 days of Confirmed Booking Status and 100% within 48 hours of a Confirmed Booking Status.
  2. In the event of a NO SHOW we shall charge the guaranteed number of guests’ event wise.


All booking requests must be sent in writing to sales@himalayadrishyaresort.com/ reservation@himalayadrishyaresort.com along with clear payment instructions and the company name as listed in this contract.


  1. Child below 5 years is complimentary
  2. Child between 5 to 12 years is 50% complimentary
  3. Child above 12 years is considered as an adult


  1. Your company will undertake to clear the bills rendered by the Resort within 15 (fifteen) days from the date of submission of the bill in case of bill to the company subject to approval of Credit Facility by Credit Committee of Himalaya Drishya Resort. In case of direct payment by the guest, the guest will settle the entire bill before checking out.
  2. Resort reserves the right to charge 18% interest on delayed payment(s) and hence would suggest for prompt payment to maintain high credit rating.
  3. All errors and corrections must be intimated to the Resort’s Accounts Department no later than 7 days of receipt of bills in writing. Following the 7 days period, the Resort is not liable to entertain any representations towards the same.


All offered rates are subjected to 10% taxable Service Charge and 13% VAT (total 24.3%) as levied by the Government of Nepal .Should there be any changes in tax component by the Government of Nepal or any additional levies of tax imported by law, the same will be borne by you.


The company agrees that there are exceptional circumstances where the service operators like airlines, resorts, the respective transportation providers or concerns may be unable to honor the confirmed bookings due to various reasons like climate conditions, labor unrest, insolvency, government decisions, operational and technical issues etc. The company agrees that the Resort shall not be responsible for such force majeure events.

Please disclose your preferred mode of payment and payment instructions (guest direct or by company) for accommodation, conference packages, meals and incidentals on the response to this proposal. The same will be incorporated along with our banking / credit card authorization details in the formal contract.